Why complain? Having small people's disease is the shit...and here's why:
10. You always get to stand in the front...sometimes this is not so awesome when you have to do something embarrassing (we don't like to look dumb)...but for the most part, we the best up front. JAI HO.
9. When joined with other small people (not so much Jost), you don't have to bend down to take a picture. Always. Looking. Good.
8. You can hide in small spaces so you don't have to entertain randos....arts feets & beats....we will never forget....
7. Find another with Small People's disease and you are the perfect pair to starfish! (or be gay and link arms and skip around to George Michael's "Faith" or do the fish hook move or hide in the back of Senior Dance and cry hysterically on stage).
6. With S.P.D. (abbreved), you look extra good on the staircase (even after crying).
5. You can put on heels and you are still short...no worrying that you're taller than your boyfriend/boy toy/arm candy/desperate dude/booty call/anything with a penis...if you are, then that's def a DEALBREAKER (reference to post #1, credit: liz lemon).
4. You may or may not look like a small child...but HEY we'll look great when we're 40+.
3. Two small people can spread eagle on a bed and FIT!!!
2. Normal people can hold you up with one hand.
1. You can find an equally short soulmate and become BLARINA BALLERINA! (well no one else can be Blarina but maybe you can find a name that's almost as legit).