Sunday, March 25, 2012

One of the things Marina and I love, and what makes us soulmates, is 30 Rock. Yeah maybe I own all the seasons on DVD, and still watch them on Netflix instead because moving onto the next episode is faster that way. But there's nothing like watching a good show that makes you laugh constantly, but you could leave on in the background as you study like you're actually supposed to because it's the 34,592 time you've seen it.

And here's 10 why:

1. Everything Liz Lemon does

2. "That's a deal breaker ladies!"

3. Cheesy Blasters (and Meat Cat)

"You take a hot dog, stuff it with some jack cheese, fold it in a pizza. You got Cheesy Blasters."

4. Lizzing

5. Dennis Duffy

6. Liz knowing exactly how we feel when we get hit on

7. Night Cheese

8. Having a work husband

9. Kenneth

10. Queen of Jordan

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